1. The Garden Coordinating Committee governs the Planting Seeds of Hope Community Garden, in coordination with New Life Presbyterian Church and as a returning gardener, I will have first preference for my plot the following year. I will have no more than 2 plots per year. The garden’s continued operation and its operating policies and procedures will be subject to an annual review by these entities.Â
2. I will use this garden at the sole discretion of the Planting Seeds of Hope Community Garden and agree to abide by its policies and procedures. I will notify the coordinating committee of any changes in my contact information.Â
3. I will not transfer or sublet my plot to another person.Â
4. The non-refundable fee for each garden plot is $32.00 per season for the use of the plot and water. Fees can be waived based on personal circumstance, and will be reviewed and approved by the leadership team.Â
5. Gardening season runs from April 1 – October 31, approximately. The garden will be open from dawn to dusk each day through the season.Â
6. I will cultivate and plant at least half of my assigned plot by May 31.Â
7. If my plot is left fallow or unused for any period of three weeks or longer, it can be assigned to another gardener by the gardening leadership committee.Â
8. I will not extend my plot beyond its original measurement. (Garden plot area is 12’ x 16’) I will keep all my garden plants within the boundary of this area and will not allow any plants to grow more than approximately six feet tall. To the best of my ability, I will keep my plot free of weeds, pests, disease. I will plant only annuals. I will not plant any illegal plants. I will keep my plot edged and tidy.
9. I will keep my garden weeded and maintained throughout the 2020 gardening season.Â
10. I will manage and maintain my plot garden waste (managing weeds, dead plants, leaves and other green waste plant parts) dead plants and unused vegetables using my own bags, to an off-site compost site. (I am responsible for hauling and disposing this waste off-site.)Â
11. I will help with garden maintenance and help with chores to keep the community garden clean and well maintained.Â
12. Do not bring household trash and dispose of it at this community garden.Â
13. At the end of the season, I will remove all structures and plant material from my plot.Â
14. I will not smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, use illegal drugs or gamble in the garden. I will not come to the garden while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. I will not bring weapons, pets or other animals to the garden.Â
15. My guests and visitors are welcome to visit and accompany me in the garden.Â
16. I will notify the gardening coordinating committee that others will be caring for my garden in my absence. They must follow all rules and conditions stated here.Â
17. I will supervise my children at all times when they are in the garden, and I am solely responsible for the behavior of my guests.Â
18. I will restrict hose watering to 30 minutes per plot, per day. I will not leave my plot unattended while I am watering, and I will be considerate of other gardeners who may be waiting to use the hoses.Â
19. I will not apply any pesticides or herbicides and will use only fertilizers permitted by the Garden Coordinating Committee.Â
20. I will not take plants or food from other gardeners’ plots. I will not take anything from the garden that is not rightfully mine.Â
21. I will respect other gardeners, and I will not use abusive or profane language or discriminate against others.Â
22. I will secure the perimeter fence before I leave the garden.Â
23. I will park in the church parking lots, not on Chatsworth or Larpenteur.Â
24. I waive my right to sue the owner of the property.
25. I will comply with all CDC requirements for COVID.
26. I will not bring dirt or compost from municipal sources to prevent the spread of jumping worms and invasive species.
Consequences of Violation of Rules, Terms, and Conditions
The breaking of any rules, terms and or conditions of this agreement is cause for exclusion from the garden and loss of my plot.
1. I will receive one warning (either verbal or via email) from Garden Coordinating Committee members (first notice).
2. If no correction or response is made, I will receive written notice two to three weeks later (second notice).
3. If no response/correction has been made two weeks following the written notice, I will receive final notification that I have forfeited my gardening privileges and plot (third and final notice).
4. I will be allowed to reapply for another plot only after one year, and only if approved by the Garden Coordinating Committee.
I have read and understand this agreement and accept the rules, terms and conditions stated above for participation in the Planting Seeds of Hope Community Garden. Â