Current Organization

In addition to our paid staff, many folks volunteer their time to help us love, explore, learn and grow.

Session The Session is the governing body of the church. It is made up of 12 elders and pastoral leadership. Elders are elected for three-year terms, and provide the leadership for teams and committees that coordinate the life and functions of the church.

Clerk of Session The Clerk acts as secretary for the Session and is elected by the session each year in January. 

Building & Grounds - This committee tackles issues relating to the (you guessed it) building and grounds of the church.

Celebration and Worship - Committee members provide the creative ideas and support necessary for a quality worship experience using music and visual art conducive to meaningful worship, and organize ushers, communion servers and lay readers for each Sunday. Learn more about their work on the Worship and Music pages.

Church Finance – implements responsible management of New Life's finances and legal concerns under the authority of Session.

Mission & Outreach - This committee coordinates the energies of our church in implementing the good news of God's peace, compassion and justice by supporting mission outreach programs. Learn more about their work on the Church, Community and World pages.

Earth Care Team - The Earth Care Team is dedicated to a better understanding of the connection between our spiritual and environmental beliefs and ethics. The main goal of this group is to advance improved environmental awareness within our church community through educational resources, events, and promotion of sustainable practices throughout the church.

Education and Nurture - This committee provides our community with a common foundation of Christian knowledge and opportunities, encouraging us to enter into challenging discussions, inviting us to identify and use our gifts, and asking us to grow our faith in relationship with God, each other, and our diverse world. 

Membership and Growth - This committee leads our ministry of proclaiming the Good News to people in the community. Activities include new member classes and welcoming visitors to our worship services.

Nominating - This committee identifies members of the congregation to serve in elected positions to carry on God's work.

Personnel - This committee implements the session's personnel policies in order to support ordained officers of the church and employed church staff, and professional leadership. 

Stewardship - The purpose of this committee is to exercise leadership for members of New Life in the wise use of resources, and to educate and challenge the congregation to give freely of their talents and resources so the mission of the church can be carried out. 

Congregational Care - This committee cares for the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of the congregation. 
