God calls us beyond our church into the Twin Cities community and beyond...
Meals on Wheels. Deliver meals every third Wednesday to meals-on-wheels recipients in our neighborhood.
Holy Hammers. We are part of a coalition of 14 churches that builds homes with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity. Watch for sign-ups at our church in the early spring for the summer build.
Denominational Partnerships. As members of the Presbytery of the Twin Cities, the Synod of the Lakes and Prairies, and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) we support mission outreach in our community, our region, and around the world. We help feed the hungry, house the homeless, encourage the hopeless, aid disaster victims, foster new churches, educate the young, train ministers and missionaries and share God’s love with all God’s children. We receive special offerings such as One Great Hour of Sharing, Peacemaking, Christmas Joy, and Pentecost. Buy a copy of the Mission yearbook in January, learn about our world-wide mission outreach and pray with and for our many faithful mission workers.  Â
Liberty Plaza. This low-income housing project at 431 Marshall Ave. in St. Paul has children’s summer and after-school programs, English as a second language and computer classes. (see Service Enriched Housing at for Volunteer Opportunities).
Memberships and Support. Our church supports the Saint Paul Council of Churches ( ), Joint Religious Legislative Coalition ( ), Interfaith Children’s Advocacy Network (see iCAN at JRLC site), Department of Indian Works (see DIW at SPACC site), People Incorporated (, Covenant Network ( ), and other groups through memberships, regular donations, and study and service.
Presbyterian Homes. Serve at this network of retirement/assisted living/skilled nursing homes. Volunteer opportunities abound! – visit, chapel, party host, library, transport, deliver flowers, bingo, etc. See Volunteer section at
Seasonal Opportunities. Bring School Supplies for kids in need in August. Â Sign up for the CROP Hunger Walk in October. Â Shop at the Holiday Fair Trade Market in November. Â Bring mittens, hats and scarves for the Mitten Tree in December.
Union Gospel Mission. We provide financial and material support to our neighbors at Union Gospel Mission, a Christian service agency that works to meet the physical, emotional, spiritual and educational needs of economically disadvantaged men, women, and children of the Twin Cities, through residential, educational, and religious programs. See Volunteer opportunities at
Youth in Mission. We support our youth as they participate in mission trips and in other service activities as part of Youth Ministry.Â